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To Compstat or not to Compstat

Compstat is a police administration and management model. This paper was a response to a question of whether or not it should be implemented in a given agency as well as how to go about implementing it. I like many aspects of Compstat as it clarifies expectations...

Police misconduct and approaches to remedy

This paper was written as part of a police administration course and analyses the different approaches that can be taken toward citizen complaint and police accountability to the communities they serve. I should note that despite the comments of the police chief in...

Female ethnocentric terrorists study proposal

This paper was part of a research methods course. If you are in the process of studying criminal justice or a related field, then you may find it helpful in crafting your own research proposals. I found the background research itself on this subject entirely...

Sociobiology vs Behavior Theory

This is a short essay I wrote on the use of sociobiology versus behavior theory. Admittedly it isn’t my most brilliant essay, but it still stands up. To date I’m still a fan of attachment theory, a theory in the school of behavior theories, particularly...

Crime Reporting

This was an early assignment I wrote for a criminology class that differentiates the different methods used to analyze crime rate in the United States. Introduction Due to the clandestine nature of crime, it is difficult to have accurate statistics on crime in...

Corruption in Corrections

Greetings, This represents another short paper I wrote as part of my ethics in criminal justice course. The content of this paper analyzes corrupt practices within corrections. Introduction Within any organization exists the potential for corruption. Not even prison...


I found this paper amongst my collection. It’s a paper on the different reasons for providing punishment to offenders from the different ethical schools of thought. Introduction Since the dawn of human civilization, there seems to have been punishment for...

KAWAKITA v. UNITED STATES, 343 U.S. 717 (1952)

This was a short assignment written for a criminal justice ethics course that analyses the case of Kawakita versus the United States. Kawakita was found guilty of treason for the treatment of American soldiers during world war II. KAWAKITA v. UNITED STATES, 343 U.S....

Ethical Standpoints on Police Taser Use

This paper was written by me in 2009 for an ethics in criminal justice course. It analyses the use of tasers from different ethical standpoints such as utilitarian, deontological, and peacemaking. Enjoy! Ethical Standpoints of Police Taser Use When individuals are...